Message from the Race Director 18 June 2016

Dear Aspiring AIMers,

Race Director EkuaAs expected, the U.S. has pulled well ahead in the numbers of those who have so far registered for the AIM. Rankings of the 15 countries represented to date are as follows: 1st: U.S.; 2nd: U.K.; 3rd: Nigeria; 4th: Ghana; 5th: Israel, Japan, and South Africa.

We were wondering whether this ranking accurately reflects which countries have the most full or half marathon runners. There are some misleading headlines out there, but none of the articles we reviewed answers that question. Does anyone know?

The most comprehensive study to date on the issue shows that the countries enjoying the highest growth in their participation in marathons are in order: Russia, China and the Philippines.

The U.S. has the most egalitarian profile of marathoners with about 45% of all American marathoners being women. That statistic is ampAIM2016 medal mockuply borne out by our own registrations so far. While approximately 57% of our registrations are from women, over 80% of the Americans registered for the full and half marathon combined are women!

Enough with the numbers—we have ordered and paid for our commemorative decennial medals. Our international coordinator expects to have fedora-with-AIM-medal-pinthem in her hot little hands by mid-July. The proof of the medal is just beautiful, don’t you think? And, you will get more mileage out of these medals because we designed them to be worn as post-event brooches or pins as well.

A few more numbers: the first 1,000 folks to complete registration will be guaranteed to receive these medals. Those who registered but couldn’t compete or finish will still get the medal but with the position or “FINISHER” designation omitted.

Stay tuned for a sneak preview of this year’s custom-made shirts. In the meantime, AIM well; AIM often; get all your friends and loved ones to AIM; and please support our Charity Partners.

ciao for now,
AIM Race Director


AIM2025 Registration is now open!

Race Director's

Race Director's

Thanks to Our AIM 2024 Sponsor & Supporters!

Venue Sponsor: Labadi Beach Hotel

Supporters: East Airport International School     Ghana Police Service     Association of Ghana's Elders     Claron Health International     Lister Hospital And Fertility Centre     Ghana Mountaineers    

We are seeking Title, Presenting, and other sponsors for AIM 2025

pdf icon Download Charity Partners and Associates Application form