Message from the Race Director 17 August 2016

Register now to enjoy the last of the early bird registration fees:
ALL fees go up on 1 September.

Dear Aspiring AIMers,

Race Director Ekua The excitement is building—we now have 20 countries represented. And, Nigeria is running neck and neck with the UK for second position as the most represented country. Estonia is the latest country to be added, and the U.S. remains far ahead in registrations completed to date. Any bets on which countries will ultimately be in the top 5 as far as participant numbers? We will dream up (or take suggestions for) nice prizes for the best two guesses we receive by 29 October. Prizes will be given to the first best guesses we receive at

Part of our excitement comes from taking delivery of supplies we designed and ordered months ago. AIM 2016 goody bag This year’s goody bags were delivered to our coordinator in the U.S. in late May. She shipped them in two consignments with different shippers—the result of hard lessons learned from previous disappointments. Both shippers assure us of delivery in Ghana by the end of this month. In an excess of caution, she held back 100 pieces of the bags, which are now in Ghana courtesy of two travelers. We hope you will like them as much as we do.

We also took delivery of some of the exotic goodies that will be in the bag—more on that later.

So, here are 3 good reasons to register now:

  1. Save some money with the early bird discounts, which end on 31 August, exactly 2 weeks from the posting of this message.
  2. Increase your chances of getting your preferred shirt style and size.
  3. Contribute to your enjoyment of your AIMing experience. Help us to prepare for you: the sooner we have an accurate idea of the numbers, the more time we can give the police, transportation services, caterers, and other providers for their preparations.
We also know that completing registration helps many people to focus on their training. With just 2.5 months to go until AIM day, some focus on training now would be a good investment that will pay off in enjoyment of your recreational adventure.

I’ll be in Lagos this weekend to meet with a few groups we’re hoping to cheer across our Finish Line this year. Though I’m still not up to pre-pinched nerve training pace, I hope to wog [jog/walk] with the merry members of LagosH3 aka Lagos Hash House Harriers and meet with members of other interested running groups or fitness clubs. Any interesting pix will find their way into my next posting.

In the meantime, please click over to our Fundraising page and AIM 2 Care—it’s easier than you think. We have already raised matching funds for all these partners, and all they need is your donation to ignite and release the funds.

ciao for now,
AIM Race Director


AIM2025 Registration is now open!

Race Director's

Race Director's

Thanks to Our AIM 2024 Sponsor & Supporters!

Venue Sponsor: Labadi Beach Hotel

Supporters: East Airport International School     Ghana Police Service     Association of Ghana's Elders     Claron Health International     Lister Hospital And Fertility Centre     Ghana Mountaineers    

We are seeking Title, Presenting, and other sponsors for AIM 2025

pdf icon Download Charity Partners and Associates Application form